Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority
About Section 3 - Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority
About Section 3

As part of our mission, CMHA seeks to provide economic opportunities for low income residents. This is consistent with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968 as amended (24 CFR Part 135). The purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by certain HUD financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, and consistent with existing Federal, State and local laws and regulations, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing, and to business concerns that provide economic opportunities to low and very low-income persons.

Section 3 Businesses

All Vendors seeking to partner with CMHA shall be asked to submit Section 3 Participation documentation certifying their "every effort" to comply with the regulation. Information detailing the requirements of 24 CFR Part 135 can be found on the HUD website,

Please Register your Section 3 Business status here. Section 3 Participant Document: Certification for business concern seeking Section 3 business preference in Contracting and Demonstration of Capability is available on the above listed link for self-certification.

All HUD fund recipients shall document all actions taken to comply with Section 3 requirements.

Section 3 Residents

Section 3 residents may receive preferences for new hiring opportunities and for training opportunities related to CMHA’s HUD-funded projects and programs. To be eligible, an individual must:

1. Be a current Public Housing resident or HUD Youthbuild Program participant  
2. Live in the Columbus Metropolitan Area  
  Certify that their household meets the Section 3 low-income limits established annually by HUD and shown on the Resident Registration Form.  
  For jobs related to construction projects, preference is given to residents of the property or neighborhood where the project is located.  
  How to become a registered Section 3 resident  
  Download and submit the Section 3 Employment and Training Registration Form.
  Complete a separate form for each person who wants to be registered as a Section 3 resident.
  Keep your email address up to date. Send changes to: Section 3 resident contacts will be made by email only.
  Respond quickly to any employment or training opportunities that you receive.
  Download the Section 3 Resident Employment and Training Program Brochure. It includes more information about the program and community resources to help you become job-ready.

Still have questions?

You can email questions about the CMHA Section 3 program to